Sinusitis and Asthma

Over the years, doctors have noted an association between asthma and sinusitis. In fact, 15% of patients with sinusitis also have asthma (as opposed to 5% of the normal population). An astounding 75% of severely asthmatic patients also have sinusitis. Additionally, asthmatic patients often report that their symptoms worsen when they develop sinusitis. Conversely, when the sinusitis is treated, the asthma improves.


1 comment:

  1. Informative blog. In this article, I observed the association between sinusitis and asthma and most of the people are also having sinusitis who are having asthma. Upto now I don’t have awareness on this topic. You have discussed when sinusitis is treated then asthma is also improves. Thanks for sharing the information. Along with this article I always recommended Springdale clinic to get instruction on mental health issues.
